What is massage therapy?

Massage therapy dates back thousands of years to ancient cultures that believed in its medical benefits. References to massage appear in ancient writings from China, Japan, India and Egypt.

Massage therapists manipulate the muscles and soft tissues of the body to help alleviate tension, aches and pains. Massage therapy is one of the most commonly practiced forms of Holistic medicine, it involves more than applying massage techniques, it treats the individual from a holistic approach, which means addressing the whole person, including their physical, mental, emotional health as well as social factors.

Some of the aims of a massage session may include relaxation massage, therapeutic massage, using a variety of different techniques and modalities to meet the needs of the individual.

What Can I Expect during a massage treatment?

For the first massage treatment, you will have a consultation with the massage therapist, this will involve filling out a form and recording any relevant medical history, injuries or physical conditions. The therapist will review these forms, and discuss your expectations of your treatment. The therapist will then leave the room, where you will get changed, and lay down on the table underneath the towel. During the treatment, the therapist will only uncover the area which is been worked on. It is really useful to communicate beforehand any relaxation or wellness goals you would like to achieve during the session. This is your time to relax and zen out. After the session, the therapist will let you know the treatment has finished, and leave the room so you can relax and get dressed. The therapist will then return with a glass of water, and provide any aftercare advice. Payments are by cash/card at the front desk, any feedback about your treatment is appreciated.

CAn I talk during my session?

Its completely up to you if you would like to talk during the session, as a therapist, I believe that we lead such busy, stressful lives and rarely get an hour to completely switch off and zone out, so I encourage you to take an hour to drift off, meditate, zen out, this can enhance the benefits of the massage, I offer the client a quiet, peaceful, tranquil environment, and will not talk to the client during the treatment unless it is to check in with the client and gather information needed to perform the massage. I encourage clients to let me know if they would like to change the environment such as music, temperature, pressure, or would like something changing to provide the best outcomes for the client.

DO I have to listen to music during my Session?

This is completely up to you, this is your treatment. You can choose to have music, or even silence if you prefer. I believe music is therapy, and have had so many different requests over the years varying from whale music, house, jazz, nature and electronica, also been aware different music can trigger a variety of feelings for different individuals. If you would like to listen to something particular, please communicate this during your consultation, and let me know your musical preferences.

Can I buy a Treatment for family/friends or colleagues?

Yes of course, you can buy a giftcard for a value of your choice, or you can pick a treatment as a gift, and then the individual can book a time at their convenience. I can also post or email out to the gift recipient .

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you.